Wenger Is Wrong: Arsenal Boss Tells Ozil To Improve His Body Language, But I Say Leave Him Alone

Mesut Ozil couldn’t have envisaged the backlash he received after hitting a hard patch in his debut season at Arsenal. Sure, the record breaking transfer fee brought expectations, but for me he met those in his early days at the club. Now, it seems as though Arsene Wenger has told him to improve his body language, but I think he is wrong to pick holes in his game.

It is his job to improve him as a player, but Ozil is evidently a player who needs a hug, rather than to be criticised.

If the Germany international is playing well, then I say leave him too it and allow him to thrive.

Fans have also come down hard on him.

He is not a player who will track back, dig deep defensively or chase loose balls. But what he does do he is exceptional at.

Arsenal have only seen that in bursts though, which is probably why some have given him stick, though he did score five league goals, notch nine assists and average nearly three key passes per game in his 26 Premier League appearances.

I don’t think his body language makes any difference and that he should be left to play his natural game. 

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