Van Gaal Rips Into Manchester United Players – Why A Clearout Is Necessary This Summer

Louis van Gaal is known to be a bit of a character and has shown in the past that he is not one to take lightly, so it comes as no surprise that he has launched a stinging attack on his new set of players. The Netherlands coach has stated that just four of his players that are good enough to be considered mainstays in his new look United side.

He picked out Juan Mata, Wayne Rooney, David De Gea and of course Robin van Persie from the current crop, and I would probably agree.

There is a lot of deadwood at Old Trafford, that’s for sure.

The likes of Nani, Ashley Young, Tom Cleverley and Alex Buttner can’t have too much of a future left at the club and I think they should be cleared out this summer.

A fresh start is needed, and that only starts with the manager.

The reports suggest the clearout will come and I think it will set United up for the next couple of seasons.