Liverpool To Battle For Tough-Tackling Midfielder: Why France International Should Choose Anfield

Liverpool are supposedly going to have to battle Serie A side Inter if they want to land Yann M’Vila this summer. The reports suggest that it will be a three-way fight between the Reds and Everton, but there are other whispers that suggest Arsenal are also interested. Here’s why he should choose Liverpool.

For all the guile that Brendan Rodgers’ side has in the attacking unit, there is a distinct lack of bite in the midfield.

Steven Gerrard has always been willing to stick his feet in, but M’Vila is a real tough-tackling midfielder and would fit in nicely between the skipper and Jordan Henderson.

The 23-year-old also fits in with Rodgers’ preference for younger players, as he is still only 23. He is a holding player that would give Gerrard protection as he continues to master the defensive role but will also release Henderson from his defensive shackles.

Liverpool are also in the Champions League next season, unlike Everton or Inter, and will surely be challenging for the Premier League title once again.

What do you reckon, Liverpool fans?