Arsenal Outsiders To Sign Free Striker With 100 Premier League Goals – Would It Be A Good Move?

If I said to you that Arsenal were looking to sign a striker who had scored 100 Premier League goals in 226 games, had won three Premier League titles and the Champions League. How does that sound? What if I told you that he was also available on a free? You’d probably ask me what the catch is. Well, the player I am referring to is Didier Drogba, who spent eight seasons carving a hero status for himself at Chelsea.

Hear me out.

I noticed that Sky Bet had made the Gunners outsiders to sign the Ivory Coast forward, pricing them at 33/1 and I originally scoffed at the idea. But having had a think, I think they could do a lot worse than him.

Considering he is out of contract this summer and the physical presence that he provides, I think it could be a very shrewd signing.

He scores goals, can lead the line on his own and I think he would be beneficial to the slight, creative players that would be playing around him.

Arsenal fans, what do you reckon?

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