Eden Hazard Is A Wanted Man – Why Chelsea Should Cash In On Him

It’s that time of year where rumours are being thrown about regarding where different players’ futures lie and this summer is no different, especially with the World Cup ongoing and players showing what they can do on the world’s biggest stage. One of the most sought after players in the world at the moment is Chelsea’s Eden Hazard, who is wanted by many clubs including Real Madrid and Paris Saint-Germain. Both could potentially offer a huge amount of money to try and lure him away from Stamford Bridge. The question is: if the price is high enough, should he leave the Blues?

Hazard had a great season last year and he was certainly one of the better players in the Premier League. He signed for Chelsea in 2012 from LOSC Lille after showing real promising performances in France’s Ligue 1. Now at the age of 23, he is starting to show more and more that he can be a world class player. I do feel though that he is very inconsistent and does not always perform to the level that he did the previous week. If he gets that part of his game right, however, he could well be in contention to be the best player in the world later on in his career.

I think if Chelsea were to sell him the price would have to be around £60 million. Personally I do not think he is worth that much at the moment due to his inconsistency and it could be a risk paying so much money for such a young player. I also think that if the Blues were to get that sort of money for him, they could quite easily use it to get someone just as good and more established in world football.

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