Joel Campbell Linked With Arsenal Exit – Why The Gunners Should Keep The Costa Rica Star At The Club Next Season

With the World Cup almost at an end and teams returning to training, thoughts will soon be turning to the new Premier League season. The transfer window has been open for a while now and teams haven’t hung around in their pursuit of new players. As we all know, most of the big clubs have signed some new players, but Arsenal are yet to open their chequebook. However, their business so far has involved bringing in young prospects and getting rid of those who are worthless at the club. Clearing wages for new players is a very important job, because if you can’t afford the wages then you won’t get the player.

In terms of incomings, Mathieu Debuchy and Alexis Sanchez have dominated the headlines, especially the latter. There are so many conflicting reports that it is often hard to keep up. However, according to the Chronicle, Debuchy is all but confirmed as an Arsenal player. Sanchez is also supposed to be very close, as Talksport insist that Arsenal are confident of securing their man.

The Chronicle also reported that Arsenal are offering Joel Campbell to Newcastle to help the Debuchy deal along. However, I think that Campbell should stay at the Gunners next season.

After the World Cup he had, the Costa Rican deserves more of a look-in. Arsene Wenger loves a versatile attacker and Campbell is exactly that, as he can play on either wing, behind the striker or as the striker himself. That versatility will go a long way in this day and age and it could be key for Arsenal next season when they go through their traditional ‘everyone is injured’ phase.

Campbell is also a superbly talented attacker and will give the Gunners fantastic depth next season if he stays. If any attacker is to go on loan then it should be Yaya Sanogo.

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