Arsenal Set To Beat Spurs For Welbeck’s Signing – Skysports & Telegraph Confirms The News

From the likes of Remy, Cavani and Falcao Arsenal have shifted their attention towards Manchester United and England striker Danny Welbeck and if reports are true, then Welbeck is well and truly on his way to the Emirates.

Sky sources just tweeted that the United striker is under going a medical at the Emirates, while Telegraph’s Jeremy Wilson has further confirmed that the likes of Miyaichi, Miquel and Coquelin are likely to leave the club before the end of the day. 

With Giroud’s long term injury, it was apparent that the Gunners needed a fit enough striker who can replace the Frenchman and also give him a fight for the starting berth once he regains fitness, but having lost out on Falcao to United, have Arsenal made the best out of the situation or is it a desperate last gap attempt to convince the fans?

There were various reports earlier today that Arsenal are behind Swansea’s Wilfried Bony and are willing to meet his £19m release clause, but it looks like the rumours on that front have dried up completely. With less than 5 hours to go, it’s nothing much that Arsene Wenger can do now, is it?



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