Chelsea Midfielder Reveals His Love For Arsenal Despite Joining The Blues


When Cesc Fabregas left for Barcelona in 2011, he had nothing but nice things to say about Arsenal. The Spaniard was their captain and an inspirational figure in the team. So, when he left Barcelona after just three years and decided to join Chelsea, the reaction was very mixed. Lot of the fans still respect the 27-year old for all the sweet memories he provided in his eight-year spell at the club, some of the fans felt a bit let down, and a handful of them have termed Fabregas as “Judas” !

Speaking to El Pais, the Spaniard revealed that he would have never imagined of such a moment a few years back,  “If you’d told me five years ago that I would play for Chelsea and Mourinho I would not have believed you, but life changes.”

Despite joining Chelsea, Fabregas insisted that he hasn’t severed all connections with Arsenal, “Don’t think that I didn’t think things through. “I will always feel a Gunner and I know that I am going to return to (the Emirates) and I feel that it will be a special moment but I am committed.”

Things weren’t going well at Barcelona and the arrival of Luiz Enrique all but ended Fabregas’ stay at Camp Now. When Chelsea came in with an offer, Fabregas did not hesitate,  “I spoke with my agent and told him to find me a team. Chelsea’s offer arrived and for me it was about returning to London, the place where I did best. There was no better exit. I spoke with Mourinho and he told me things that I needed to hear, I felt valued, felt that I was going to be part of something important.

“Remember that I played a Champions League final against Barcelona! I swear to you that I would have done anything to win that game (though) I’d been Barcelona since I was a kid!

“So you know that when I play against Arsenal I will know who I am playing with, who my team-mates are and who I will defend and I know that the Arsenal fans will understand; I have no doubt,” he added.

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