Stat: Arsenal completed a record 741 passes at Aston Villa


Arsenal beat Aston Villa by 3-0 at Villa Park on Saturday afternoon to end Paul Lambert’s side’s brilliant start to the 2014-15 season. The Gunners bounced back after the midweek disappointment against Borussia Dortmund where they were outplayed by the Germans in the first match day of the Champions League tournament.

Mesut Ozil opened the scoring for the travelling side to give Arsene Wenger’s men the lead before the German play-maker turned provider to new signing Danny Welbeck, the former Manchester United man who scored his first goal for the London side. Aly Cissokho then scored an inexplicable own goal to treble Arsenal’s lead before half time as the game looked done and dusted.

The Gunners meanwhile completed a whopping 741 passes in the game which epitomizes that they have got over their mid week disappointment. The passing game should pay rich dividends in the coming weeks of the Premier League season.

Bonus Read: Our Partners at Socceracme have come up with an excellent Tactical analysis of the Arsenal-Dortmund game which is unmissable.

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