Manchester United – 3 Players Who Could Be Shown The Exit Doors In January

3. Ashley Young – This is a case of injuries ruining a career. Young was not worth the fee paid for him, but he was developing well, until his playing style suffered as a result of injuries. Under Moyes last season, his play had regressed to crossing and running. He has lost a lot of confidence, and when he was playing well in the preseason games under Louis van Gaal, he got another injury which kept him out again. He should be sent out on loan so that he can have a continued run, rather than a start-stop career.

Of the three players mentioned, Louis van Gaal would rather sell the latter two players, if not for their high wages that a buying club would be unlikely to fulfill. Both the last two players are past their prime, and need to be cut loose. United could use a loan spell for these three players to evaluate their worth, before choosing to keep them or send them out. Nani has been performing at Sporting, which proves that at times, a change from the pressure one faces while playing for United can help one rediscover his feet and return back in better shape.

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