Should Chelsea Sell Their Star Defender To Bayern Munich?

When certain clubs come calling, it is extremely difficult to turn them down, like the quote from the Godfather, “Am going to make an offer you can’t refuse”. Branislav Ivanovic is that player in question and the club coming to get him, according to German reports is Bayern Munich. Yup, Pep Guardiola seems set to buy a few defenders and Ivanovic seems to be his top target.

The 31 year old Serbian defender has a contract at Stamford Bridge till 2016 and Bayern will be looking to get a cut price deal for the defender but the real question is should Chelsea think about selling the 31 year old?

One of the best right backs in the world

If you put a Chelsea squad on paper, the first player who probably would be on our list is Ivanovic. The big Serbian has been a tank as a right back and has always been one of the most consistent players for the Blues. The defender is not only great on the defensive end but also runs up and down the right wing of Chelsea providing them a pretty decent outlet for their attack.

The fact that other right backs in the Chelsea squad have not been able to usurp the Serbian is testament to his ability of not only playing in the slot but growing over time. The one thing we must all remember about Ivanovic is that he was initially purchased as a central defender and then was shifted into the right back slot, something in which he has excelled over the years. Letting go of one of their best defenders would be one of the craziest things that Chelsea would have done in recent times.

While defensively Ivanovic is unbeatable, his goal scoring form has picked up for the Blues. He has become a player who scores important goals for the club and already has 6 to his name this season, that coming from a defender is a huge plus for any club. Scoring goals might not be his primary role in the club, but this does provide another facet to his game, something that not all defenders can do, oh and he can score them with his feet and his head.

The one thing we must remember about the transfer window is that it is rather weird, when PSG offered to buy David Luiz, most of us scoffed but when they stumped out £50 million to buy him, everyone would have sold him. That is exactly the case with Ivanovic, he might be one of the best defenders but every player does have a price and with him being 32 years of age when it comes to 2016, Chelsea might think of cashing in on one of their assets rather than let it depreciate.

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