Manchester United Manager Reveals He Was Shocked By Arsenal

Manchester United boss Louis van Gaal has now raised questions about the “will to win” of his players after a shocking 3-0 defeat against Arsenal at the Emirates on Sunday. The Red Devils gave away all three goals in the opening 19 minutes of the game and the Dutchman talked about his side’s failure to execute the gameplan properly, along with a lack of aggression.

Louis van Gaal

Further, the former Barcelona and Bayern Munich manager also stated that he made his feelings known to the players at the half-time break and at the end of the game as well. In his interview, the United boss stated, “I didn’t expect that. I was surprised – not performing to our gameplan, not the will to win. I have not seen that when you are top of the league as United were at the beginning of the weekend]. So I was surprised, amazed – maybe that is a better word. When you give a team like Arsenal so much space to play football, then you know you will lose. We prepared ourselves to play more compact and not losing our aggression, so it was amazing for me. I am very disappointed.

Van Gaal further added that he had no explanation for the brace by Alexis Sánchez scored either side of Mesut Özil’s goal. He added, “I don’t know why it happened. I put the question at half-time and after the match. It is difficult for the players to answer at themoment because they are all in an emotional moment. We have lost, and lost in a way that you cannot lose when you are top of the league. The problems did not start at the back, they started in midfield. Their midfield players, especially Cazorla and Özil, had too much time and space. We also had space behind our defence. When you always put the pressure on, they cannot make their passes so easily. That was our problem in the first half. They were not aggressive. And you have to do it not only with the two in midfield but as a team. You have to be more compact. You need aggression at the moment you have a duel and Arsenal were much more aggressive.

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