Spurs boss has a decision to make

I would imagine that being in charge of Tottenham Hotspur would be one of the more trying managerial roles in the football sphere.

Fans that are perceived by many as fickle at best, over demanding at worst, desperate for success that they feel they are entitled despite it having eluded the club for most of their lifetime’s.

There is a chairman that has overseen the sacking of numerous incumbents of the manager’s position, one dismissed after achieving the season’s aim of fourth place, another whose imminent departure was allowed to be made known during a home European tie.

All this would lead me to believe that for all its allure and recompense it would be a rather difficult place to work and this season looks like it could be make or break for Andre Villas-Boas.

Financially it looks as if the club are going to back him in a way that they seemed increasingly reluctant to support his predecessor.

This will bring added pressure but if he can get the men he wants in, it should give him a better chance of success.

One of the critical decisions he will have to take is in relation to the Europa League.

The past two years have shown that there is more than one way to approach a Europa League campaign and still not qualify for the Champions League.

The Portuguese boss made it clear from the start what his approach was going to be, he was going all out, he wanted to reclaim the trophy that he had won during his time at Porto.

He played strong teams, not varying his first eleven too much from the Premier League games; he showed the tournament respect and made the trophy a realistic target.

Not only could this stance be considered a commendable one but it would also be good preparation for Spurs players should they make the Champions League, as the better amongst them would in that circumstance then be required to play two games a week.

His method differed greatly to that of Harry Redknapp in his final season, where squad players and youngsters were utilised to a far greater extent than first team regulars.

The upshot was that under Harry the competition was at least put to bed before Christmas as the club were knocked out at the group stage whereas under Villas Boas the run continued into April with ultimately the same tangible result.

The season approaching promises to be one of the most fiercely fought battles for a Champions League place that the Premier League has seen.

Will Villas-Boas stand by his previous principles and continue his pursuit of European success despite knowing that it could jeopardise fourth spot and potentially end his occupation of the White Hart Lane hot seat.


Allen Whyte