Opinion: 3 Reasons Why I Hate Arsene Wenger

Since 1996 Arsene Wenger has been at the helm at Arsenal, and although he has 10 major trophies with the Gunners, here are three reason I hate the 64-year-old.

1) Smug

The Frenchman stinks of smugness. He walks around with his head held high, which considering what he’s achieved is understandable, but the way he smiles when he gets decisions right is beyond frustrating for me.

When he gets something wrong, however, it is never his fault and we see him sulking around for weeks until it is put right.

2) He never sees anything

Which takes me nicely onto my next irritation, how he never sees anything – a penalty given against his side, a controversial decision or something happening in the crowd. He has a knack of looking in the wrong direction when anything like that occurs.

However, when it’s his team on the receiving end then it’s a different story. Wenger is usually up in arms before the referee has even come to a decision and is critical after the game.


3) Jealous

You may have realised that I am a bitter Spurs fan. It doesn’t matter what my beloved club seem to do, that lot from down the road always seem to upstage us, and Wenger is at the forefront.

I thought this season could finally be the season that we shut them up after last year, but after they beat us in the early stages of the season I realised it is probably not to be.

Don’t take anything in this article too seriously, the last thing I need is Arsenal fans goading me!