Level Stakes – Level Head

Moving on from last week’s ‘Money Matters’ post, I will now develop that idea and look at the level stakes staking plan. There are numerous staking plans out there that are so complicated you won’t know what day of the week it is. A staking plan is a way of controlling how much money you place on each of your bets over a period of time; level stakes betting is the most basic of these and the most suitable for the betting novice.

Money Matters!

The best feeling in the world can be a big win on a football bet, but the worst feeling is a loss. There is nothing that quite compares to the highs and lows of football betting. One week you are celebrating a tidy profit, the next you are counting your losses. The secret to any good gambler is money management.

Where to Look When Betting

Betting on football is hard enough at the best of times, so when you are pretty new to the game, it can be almost impossible. Here I will try and give you a few tips on where to look when you’re trying to find something to put your money on.