Ciao for now…

Everyone seems to be singing Tottenham’s praises this morning, deservedly so but we do have to remember we still do have to play them at the Lane and this is football where anything can happen.  My Spurs team looked like they had learnt a lot since their last outing in the San Siro and they turned out to be real San Heroes. 

First half we were the better team, second half we came under pressure but thought we handled it well even if Flamini’s disgraceful tackle on Corluka tired to unsettle us (what do you expect from a ex gooner!)  We even had a striker score yey!!  Crouchy had a really good game worked very hard as all the lads did.  I’m sure many spurs fans were questioning the partnership of Palacios and Sandro before the game but I thought they both worked very hard and did their jobs great.  To be honest the whole team played their part, did their jobs marvellously it was a good win for our boys.

There was definitely one San Zero last night Gennaro Gattuso.  Being half Italian I had a lot of respect for Gattuso I loved how hard he worked for the team and his passion but last night I think it showed a man who is now past his best and the only way he can get his way is to wind the opposition up and just act like a baby.  He was forever backing into Crouchy last night, sneaky little digs at him but fair play to Crouchy he didn’t rise to it he did what would hurt him most and score.  He totally lost control Gattuso and had no right to attack Joe Jordan like that he just came across as an animal and will now miss the second leg at the Lane for the yellow card he received.  Although I do think along with Flamini they both should of had red cards.


Well we are 1-0 up in the “first half” second half takes place on the 9th of March and whatever happens I hope it’s going to be rocking at the Lane and I’m sure it will be. UP THE SPURS!!

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