Spurfect night at the Lane

Normally when I write a blog it’s me moaning about something Spurs have or haven’t done or giving grief to a spurs player for something they have or haven’t done but what can I say about last night, it was emotional but I loved every minute of it.  I don’t think I breathed for 93 minutes it was definitely heart in your mouths stuff at some points during the game last night.

I was proud of the lads after the first leg in the San Siro but last night spurs showed me that they could actually defend and defend as a team.  It might not have been the Spurs that everyone has been use to seeing in the Champions League but I saw a spurs team that pulled together, worked hard together and got stuck in together and I was very proud of my boys last night.

Last 8 of the Champs League, I’m still laughing to myself every time I say it, its mental spurs are in the quarter finals.  Harry Rednapp is the first English manager to get a team to the last 8 and he deserves it, the lads deserve it they have worked so hard to get us there.  As a Spurs fan I never thought I would see Spurs in the Champions League and definitely never thought we’d reach the last 8 “I’m living the dream.”

Glory Glory Tottenham Hotspur!

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