Derby della Capitale – There’s nothing like it ….

Lazio face Roma at the Stadio Olimpico on Sunday, both teams share the stadium but it’s Roma’s home game. Lazio are looking for their first ‘away’ win against their city rivals since 23rd April 1995, when Pierluigi Casiraghi and Beppe Signori scored in the 2-0 win.

Four minutes into my first ever live ‘Derby’ back in March 2003, Dejan Stankovic lobbed the Romanista keeper. The crowd erupted as he ran the length of the pitch to celebrate with his adoring fans – I’d never heard anything like it before.

That experience was spoiled when Roma got a late equalizer through Antonio Cassano; my first taste of victory came on 6th January 2005. A fantastic day, it was the game when God himself, a certain Mr Di Canio volleyed home from outside the box before taunting the Romanista in the Curva Sud. Meanwhile I celebrated on the floor of the Curva Nord with five skin heads, who’d jumped on me. The night kept getting better; we played them off the field and ended up winning 3-1. Di Canio labelled ‘Il Padrino’ aka ‘The Godfather’ was substituted just before the end where he received a much deserved standing ovation – That moment will live with me forever.

It’s the one game I’ll pay anything to get a ticket for – to beat Roma is incredible but to witness it live in the stadium is the best experience a Lazio fan can have. Sadly, this season has seen the Biancocelesti lose the home fixture and get knocked out of the Coppa Italia to their bitter rivals. Myself and other Laziale are delighted seeing our side battling for a Champions League place but realistically all that matters is that we finish above Roma at the end of the season.

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