Diary of a Sky Sports Reporter

It’s always good to see an old friend and it’s almost 10 years since I last met up with my pal Sven Goran Eriksson. Ok, ‘friend’ is perhaps stretching it a little! But it was good to do another interview with Sven on Saturday ,  even if the surroundings were slightly different from our previous chat.

At the weekend, it was after his Leicester City team’s 3-0 win at Scunthorpe, while in 2001 it was a few days after England’s memorable 5-1 victory in Germany – for the record I also interviewed a certain David Beckham! So how has Sven changed in that time? Not a great deal, the pre-interview handshake is still there (some managers and players just grunt at you!), most answers still start with ‘Wellllllll’ and the charming smile remains a part of the package. In short, it was a pleasure to chat with him again – I just hope I don’t have to wait until 2021 to complete the hat-trick!

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