Jens Lehmann: 41 and back in goal

Arsenal are in real dire straits at the back, they have a weak defence backed up by a retired goalkeeper. How could Arsene Wenger really think his team could challenge for the title???

The attacking side of Arsenal is for me the best in the Premiership, but the defence is weak. In terms of statistics Arsenal have conceded less goals than Manchester United, however they have become an embarrassment with ridiculous errors made by their keepers and defenders, especially at important times. It is now believed that the presence of Lehmann will guide the team to glory, but surely this area of the team should have been addressed long before now and perhaps an experienced outfield player would be more effective.

Arsenal need to strengthen their squad in the summer with a bit of hard working experience and then I believe they could be unstoppable.

Maybe having Lehmann will work for them, maybe not, but if they do win the title this year it will be due to a Manchester United meltdown and that’s highly unlikely. 

By Ryan Muldoon

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