Why Steven Gerrard is the best English midfielder for decades

Steven Gerrard has been putting 100% effort into football for years. Week in week out this scouser has been a blue print for the world class midfielder. Gerrard has it all, tackling, vision pace, strength, and most important off all; the drive to succeed.

Over the last ten years Steven Gerrard has been the rock off the Liverpool team. He pushed every inch off the way for Liverpool and often won matches alone with his determination. He has 89 caps for England and is likely too get at least another 20 before he’s finished. An astonishing stat for someone of just 31.

He is one off few English players who has managed to keep his social life clean (with the exception of a drunken punch). Compared with the likes of Terry or Rooney, Steven Gerrard looks like a saint.

No-one could accuse Gerrard off being uncommitted to England as he loves the country with a passion. Gerrard just wants to play and that does not stop at the door off Liverpool, when asked to play for the three lions Gerrard has always been there. He describes football in his auto biography as ‘his oxygen’.

Let’s take a look at some of Gerrard’s close midfield rivals. Frank Lampard – good attacking edge but lacks the defensive mind Gerrard has at his disposal. David Beckham – Good crosser of the ball and gave everything for the shirt, but again can’t defend and attack in the same way Stevie can. Look back into the 90s and i can see few that match up to Gerrard’s all rounder, does what it says on the tin style of play. Even the great Scholes can’t be compared to Gerrard. Sure he’s brilliant going forward and had an eye for a killer pass, but his tackling was atrocious, and he was likely to loose his head at any time.

There are some midfielders who can match or better Gerrard’s ability in individual areas (eg David Beckhams free kicks), but few who can deliver every demand of a footballer at world class level the Liverpool captain can. Consistency and versatility is the key to Gerrard’s game.

Over the years we’ve seen him used in different positions, RB, RM, LM, CM and CF. A massive mix of positions which demand very different qualities. Can you see the likes off Lampard playing in all those different places? This shows how versatile Gerrard is, something which sets him aside from the crowd.

No wonder then when Gerrard came third in the 2005 ballon d’or and is considered by Zinedine Zidane (a midfielder great himself) as one off the best players in the world? Takes one to know one.

In the next few years we will slowly see the demise off this great English midfielder, the Gazza of the 21st century. The benchmark for English football. The children’s idol. Replacing him will be huge task.

Finley Hazlewood




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