It can only get better: A look at the season so far

Last Saturday’s match at Anfield against Manchester United was supposed to be Liverpool’s biggest test of the season and an indication of how far they have come and how good they are. So how good are they?

 So far this season, Liverpool have already gone away to Tottenham, Stoke, Arsenal and Everton, and they have faced Manchester United at home. Liverpool sit 5th with 14 points having played those five difficult games, which shows that they have improved significantly from last season and they will only get better.

After such a tough start to the season, the Reds fans should now be looking forward to matches against the league’s so-called ‘smaller’ teams. In my opinion points against the bigger teams in the league aren’t that important, it’s the points you gain against the ‘smaller’ teams that count.

Under Rafa Benitez, Liverpool were fantastic at winning the big matches against the likes of Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal, but they would drop silly points against the likes of Wigan, Fulham and Blackburn.

So Liverpool fans shouldn’t be too disappointed if they lose the big games this season, as long as they pick up points in the not so big games.

With several new signings still settling into the side and getting better, Liverpool will also get better . The return of Steven Gerrard could be the key component to Liverpool’s season. The skipper returned to the side in stunning fashion, with goal against United at the kop end.

To use the cliché, he is like a new signing for Liverpool and he offers the team so much going forward. With Suarez, Downing and Adam in the side alongside Gerrard, Liverpool will have enough firepower in the attacking third.

Kenny Dalglish currently has a fully fit squad at his disposal for the first time since he took charge and he can now shape Liverpool in the way he had envisaged during pre-season. There is competition for places in the squad and at least two or three good players for every position.

Glen Johnson has returned to full fitness to provide some attacking thrust on the right hand side where Liverpool have lacked something this season, Andy Carroll finally scored his first goal in the Merseyside derby and is growing in confidence and Jordan Henderson’s second half display against Man Utd offered encouragement of what he is capable of.   

What we have learnt from Liverpool in the opening eight games is that they are definitely capable of challenging for a place in the top four and they will be fighting with Tottenham and Arsenal  for that final fourth spot.

The reds’ are unbeaten in their last three games and their next three fixtures are more than winnable. They entertain Norwich at Anfield this Saturday before travelling to West Brom the following week and that is followed by another home game, with Swansea City.

Three wins from their next three games will have optimism  high at Anfield, but for the time being the feel good factor is back at Liverpool and it is up to Kenny Dalglish and his players to keep it going.

Tariq Saleh

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