Best bit of business?

Nearing a third of the way through the new season after a spectacular summer of transfers. Arsenal losing top players, City, Chelsea and Liverpool spending big, so who was the best bit of business to have played in the Premier League this season.

You begin to look at the man who arrived free from West Ham in Demba Ba, the man has already knocked up eight goals for high flying Newcastle this season, some may argue that he hasn’t played his part against the bigger teams yet. Someone who has gave his all against the bigger teams this season is Swansea goalkeeper Michel Vorm, the Dutch international has been in blistering form recently helping Swansea to top the clean sheets table. After arriving from Utrecht for around £1.5m questions were asked to whether he could live up to the expectations set by former goalkeeper Dorus De Vries and he certainly has done that and maybe surpassed those expectations.

United fans would like me to mention Phil Jones as he has stepped up due to injuries but maybe the £16m price tag might have let him down here,  Parker has been a rock in the centre of midfield, whether he is sliding for tackles or creating chances at only a £5m who would argue that that is good business? After Joey Barton got mixed up with all Twitter nonsense, he was allowed to leave on a free and go to QPR and he has been a key asset in midfield for Rangers. Who replaced Barton, Yohan Cabaye at just over £4m it’s not hard to see why he is featured here.

The former Watford striker in Danny Graham has been amongst the goals this season, a clinical finisher was what Swansea bought for just £3.5m. Liverpool spent big this summer but someone they didn’t spend big on was left back, Jose Enrique, arriving from Newcastle for six million pounds. Set piece wonder kid Sebastian Larsson should also get a mention has he arrived free from Birmingham. Lots of different players, no one has really stood out like Hernandez did last season but some decent candidates in amongst that lot.

Jordan Lovesey

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