Why Beckham’s Been A Success In America!

David Beckham’s move to the MLS is something that history will judge as a business decision, but in 2011 an opinion can be formed. In my opinion he has been a success to the game in the US.

I can say this because he has completed 5 seasons, played his fair share of games, continually performed in a variety of roles and the MLS now has TV time it didn’t have before, which was little to say the least.

Beckham’s arrival seemed a very expensive attempt at PR by the LA Galaxy. It appeared to be a player at the end of his career making some money out of a sport failing to gain traction because it has two major failings:

1) Games are able to end as a draw/tie, which US sports fans can’t understand as there is no such thing as a draw/tie in any other US sports, as there has to be a winner.

2) Thee game has no breaks for 45 minutes, so how could the adverts work with such a long streak of play?

Well, Beckham became the attraction and frankly he has developed his game to adapt to what is a very athletic sport in the MLS.

In recent months he has played centrally, tackled back, passed like he always has and stayed fit. He has more yellow cards than any other MLS player because he has worked hard to win the ball. His attacking game remains excellent; he is an all round player, fit, healthy lifestyle, family man and role model.

Most kids play soccer until they get to High School at aged 14. Then the sports are baseball, football and basketball, and soccer was a poor 4th with lacrosse and athletics. Now I see 40 or more kids trying out at High School, not quite the 100 that try out for Football but certainly an improvement. He has influenced kids to play the game.

The MLS will miss Beckham if he leaves, he has been a success and I’m amazed to say that he has been value for money.

When Becks left United to join Real Madrid, after the drama of the kicked boot and Victoria’s fall-outs with Sir Alex and the loss of what little pace he had, I was not upset.

I sang the Cristiano Ronaldo song about Beckham as he set the league alight, Beckham became even less in my mind. But he has come here and proved he is class. I was wrong, I am a fan again.

History could have judged him as a mercenary soccer player who followed the money, but even though the game has made him rich, he has worked hard, he has heart and courage and he is every bit an athlete with skill, talent, drive and ambition.

Given that Gary Neville and Paul Scholes have retired, Lee Sharpe didn’t have the drive; Beckham can stand alongside Ryan Giggs as a player with work ethic and love of the game that few will match.

Well done David Beckham, I admire you and am sorry I sang that song. You really are a United legend and also a legend in this game we love. Respect from me Sir!

Steve Burrows CBE @ifollowsteve

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