AVB -world class manager or next Chelsea fatality?

Andre Villas-Boas has had far from a glorious introduction to the premier league – 25 points and 5th place is hardly realising the limitless ambitions a club the size of Chelsea demands.

And don’t think the champions league is a respite for the blues, who are going into the last game needing a win or a goaless draw at Valencia, a big ask for anyone.

There’s no doubt that Chelsea have had a poor start to the season, but it’s far from disastrous. Chelsea still have six months left to turn it around, but the question is; does Villas-Boas?

Villas-Boas is a good, tactical manager and advertises an easy on the eye, attacking style of football. He proved his worth at Porto and is trying to bring that treble winning formula to Chelsea.

This fluent offensive style is all very well in Europe, but wont work one jot with Chelsea or in England.

This Chelsea team is still a predominantly Mourinho side, players used to playing defensively and keeping clean sheets. This group isn’t the right sort for the possession, Barcelona brand of football AVB is trying to introduce.

He insists on playing a high, offside-trap line which is also new to this Chelsea back four. The Mourinho team would play a much deeper role and Bosingwa, Cole, Terry and Alex are all struggling to adapt. This high line requires pace at the back (for example, Barcelona play it with Puyol), and an ageing Chelsea defence just cant keep up with the quick, counter attacking football that is so common in the English game. Particularly Terry who’s lack of pace is becoming evident, 17 goals in 13 games is more than that successful Mourinho side conceded in one season.

From only two seasons in management, it’s hard to really tell weather or not Villas-Boas is a top class manager. Sure he achieved dizzying heights with Porto, but can this offensive philosophy really work in the English premier league?

If AVB is the tactical genius that helped Porto to that golden treble winning season, and convinced Roman to pay £13 million for him, he must adapt his style to the English game. He must take Chelsea back to what they do best, nicking 1-0s and most importantly, keeping clean sheets. The defensive line must drop to accommodate Terry, and Drogba should be deployed as a loan striker. He should do this at least until the summer when he can make the signings he needs to play ‘the beautiful game’ he so wishes too.

But will AVB be given the time he needs? Or will he be added to the long list of Abramovich rejects?

Finley Hazlewood

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