The SFA Need Another Aluko

There seems a rather pointless inevitability to the SFA complaints process regarding their ‘offering’ of a 2 game ban to Sone Aluko.

A precedent was set in the not too distant past when Hibernian striker Gary O’Conner was found initially guilty of simulation against St. Johnstone. He was then given a 2 game suspension, which the club appealed against. The Fast Track tribunal, which presides over appeals, then decided that in fact the striker had not dived and was found not guilty.

When viewing the 2 incidents it is hard to find much that makes you think the outcome will be any different this time. Both cases are without a doubt a stellar example of a ‘dive’.  The first time around it seemed quite incredible that O’Connor was eventually found not guilty.  To all blessed with 2 working eyes it was obvious that contact was non-existent. 

What is the point in Compliance Officers and Fast Track tribunals if they get the decisions so glaringly wrong?

The introduction of such processes was meant to help out in several areas, but you get the feeling that the SFA had hoped that primarily it would make them appear stronger. To be less susceptible to the level of criticism that came their way last season.

However, all that has happened is that they arrived at the wrong decision in double-quick time.

This is the area of the game that drags it down more than any other.  The players that simulate contact, and the authorities that treats it with a mild indifference.  Can you imagine another sport having conclusive television evidence, showing that a participant has cheated their opponent, and not getting punished severely? The failure by the people who run the game to stamp this shameful act out of the game is pathetic.  The SFA had all the evidence that was required to enforce a punishment on an act that was there for all to see. But they did not. And it leaves you wondering just what they are looking for when trying to implement this law.

Both cases are not up for debate for many of us.  The decision of the tribunal to rescind O’Connor’s’ ban came as a shock, but perversely thanks to their poor upholding of the laws of the game, it would be even more ludicrous for them to find Sone Aluko guilty.

Niall Miller

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