Drogba Should Remember He’s A Role Model


After some recent refereeing blunders headlined by Juan Mata’s ‘goal’ for Chelsea against Spurs at Wembley in the second of this season’s FA Cup semi-finals, one man has been the centre of attention this week.

His name is Didier Drogba and against Barcelona on Wednesday night, Chelsea’s talisman and star striker brought his theatrics to a new low by spending more time rolling about on the floor than actually on his feet on a famous night for Roberto Di Matteo at Stamford Bridge.

Time and time again Drogba went down under the slightest challenge from Barcelona defenders spending on occasions around half a minute rolling about on the floor like a little kitten playing with a ball of string.

It was embarrassing to see such a powerful striker, someone who is one of the best strikers of his generation who has provided so many great moments during his career seemingly work on a script to fall down at the slightest touch from the first whistle.

Pep Guardiola would have told his team to be aware of Drogba’s antics and to not give him the opportunity to go down. However there was very little any of his players could have done. You can’t give Drogba space and time on the ball but you can’t close him down, so you’re dammed if you do and damned if you don’t to a degree.

As one of the world’s most recognisable footballers Drogba should realise he’s a role-model, but then again he isn’t the only player to have conned officials down the years. However he doesn’t need to cheat as with his speed, physique and power he has enough about him to get the better of the best defenders in the world and put on match-winning performances like he’s done before.

Cut it out Drogba!

Adam Dennehey

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