If AVB or Rodgers had done what Di Canio did, they would’ve been crucified (Video)

Ah Paolo Di Canio. Fans have warmed to. The media as well. Your no nonsense approach to managing Swindon Town and responses to questions thrown your way not only makes people think, but also provokes a humorous response and is a breath of fresh air in a world where managers are providing answers which not only gauge the audience, but bore them half to death.

His latest escapade saw the enigmatic Italian substitute number one Wes Foderingham after just 21 minutes during the recent 4-1 defeat at the hands of Preston North End. Fans had a good giggle watching the 21-year-old angrily storm off before kicking a Powerade bottle in disgust. The media lapped up his post-match response and you can’t blame them, to be fair; the stereotypical answers managers give to the routine questions following the final whistle will be enough to see anyone fall asleep with their Dictaphone still record in their hand.

But while Di Canio is receiving his plaudits, you have to spare a thought to two managers in England’s top tier; Brendan Rodgers and Andre Villas-Boas, of Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur respectively. Both have come under increased pressure following a poor start to the season and have already seen some quarters of the fanbase call for their heads.

Now, imagine if either Rodgers or Villas-Boas had substituted Pepe Reina or Brad Friedel during their weekend encounters with Arsenal or Norwich City, respectively? Fans and those in the media would have been the first to come down heavily on the duo, so why not Di Canio? Granted, his charismatic approach to management for outweighs the combined efforts of the duo, but surely it can’t be one rule for some and another for others? Either way, it goes to show the monumental strain both managers are currently under to succeed at a club where expectations are sky high.