QPR must stick with Hughes

Bottom of the table after three points from nine games – it sounds all too similar to Tottenham Hotspur back in 2008. However, I am, of course referring to QPR, who following the weekend defeat to Arsenal are currently footing the Premiership.

Despite investing heavily, effectively purchasing a new team, over the summer, the R’s currently prop the table after a miserable start to the campaign. Many claim that the West London outfit are too good to go down, which is nonsensical in the first place considering no team is “too good to go down”.

However, despite the perilous position QPR currently find themselves in, chairman Tony Fernandes is right to back under pressure manager Mark Hughes. The Welshman has been criticised for not starting the season off as well as he perhaps should’ve done, especially with the players at his disposal.

Yet, following the games against both Everton and Arsenal, QPR certainly showed enough about them to stave off the threat of relegation. Many have argued that the R’s, up to the point of Stephane M’Bia’s red card, deserved to come away from the Emirates Stadium with a positive result.

They would, indeed, be correct, especially against a Gunners side that squandered numerous opportunities to take the initiative prior to Mikel Arteta’s striker late on. When you consider that Esteban Granero and Jamie Mackie both wasted good chances to net late on, some may even consider that QPR deserved to win the encounter.

It’s evident that the players are still gelling with one another, but once they do; QPR certainly have enough about them to pull away from danger. A major aspect of that will be in Hughes remaining at the helm. The backing from Fernandes certainly helps and it’s important that the fans do as well.