The Transfer Window – An Agent’s Perspective

The world of the transfer window is a strange and mysterious place to those not involved. Players can come close to leaving one club for another and we, the public, know absolutely nothing of the nitty gritty aspects associated with any major dealings. Fortunately for us, we have an agent who can give us a glimpse into what life is like as the middle man, especially with January fast approaching.

What is your exact role throughout the transfer window?

I have a number of clients who we feel it may be in there best interests to leave current clubs be it on loan or a permanent transfer. This involves constant liaising with the player his current club and appropriate other clubs.

What is the general feeling amongst agents as the transfer window approaches?

As usual it’s frustrating that we have to cram all our business into four weeks, but that’s the rules we have to work within. I doubt the Fair Play Regs will have the desired impact so I expect the window to be very similar to last Januarys.

Is there a substantial difference between the January and summer windows?

January usually see’s more inflated prices with clubs being forced into a corner. The summer’s transactions are usually more considered and planned in advance.

There are rarely any big moves during the winter window – why is that?

Usually because selling clubs demand high fees as they feel the purchaser may be desperate.

As the clock ticks closer to the deadline, how quickly does the pace pick up?

I would say that 80% of the deals that will take place in Jan are pretty much already lined up and done behind the scenes.

Have you ever had any big money moves fall through at the last minute?

A lot of the time a number of parties can get involved in a deal that slow it down and can ultimately lead to it collapsing.

What is the general consensus with the club and player in question when this happens?

I think that players and clubs will always see this as a possibility. 90% of the time when it does happen the player’s agent gets the blame.

Is it harder to deal with Chairmen that are buying or selling?

I’ve never had any problems with Chairman be it when buying or selling

Simon Dent is the Managing Director of ROAR SPORT