Does Moyes have any choice whether he signs?

There has been a lot of furore over whether David Moyes will sign a new contract at Everton this summer. I question, though, is he as flush for options as the media suggest?

Moyes has to receive an enormous amount of credit for how he has managed to turn Everton into an outfit capable of challenging the Premier League’s elite for Champions League football, but is this impressive enough.

The clubs at the very top are pedantic and any manager they employ they look for tangible signs of success. This is trophies.

For all his great exploits at Goodison Park the Scottish Manager does not have any of these to show for his efforts.

He has been at Everton for such a significant period of time. They have moulded his career into the manager who he is. There are very few managers who are defined by what they achieve at one club but David Moyes is that.

He may be a superb Premier League manager but if the offers from the real top clubs were to come in they already would have by now.

The 49-year-old may not want to admit it. No offers are likely to come in the summer despite what various sources suggest leaving him only with one option. To sign on the dotted line a new deal at Everton to keep him as their boss for the foreseeable future.

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