Mr Portsmouth Football Club

John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood is his full name. He is one the most recognisable and famous football supporters in the country.

However, it’s not all exactly how it looks.

Surprisingly, John Westwood is a librarian and he lives in a small village just outside of Portsmouth called Petersfield. The man hasn’t missed a Portsmouth game in, last time I heard, 30 years.

Most people judge John almost immediately on the clothes he wears. He arrives at Portsmouth games head to toe in a blue and white clown costume, not your average fan.

In 2003 he was famously booted out of Ipswich’s Portman Road after climbing over the barriers and dancing on the roof ringing the infamous ‘Pompey Chimes’ – or his bell.

Despite the stories and his loud appearance, John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood is quite a conservative character away from the beautiful game, or not so beautiful game in Portsmouth’s case.

The video below shows the viewer just how much a football club can mean to a man, it shows the viewer how the game can take over people’s lives.

Sit back and enjoy a well made and remarkable video. Many of you will be able to relate to what he is talking about!


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