How to solve England’s problem at the back

England manager Roy Hodgson has a problem on his hands. He has a paucity of options to play at centre of his back four.

Rio Ferdinand snubbed the England in favour of a holiday, Joleon Lescott hasn’t played for a while, John Terry doesn’t have any knees left and the only viable option he has there is Gary Cahill.

Drastic times call for drastic measures and if I was Hodgson I would go all crazy with my starting line up tonight against San Marino. Why not? It’s only San Marino and let’s face it most pub teams in south London could beat San Marino by a couple of goals.

Here’s what Hodgson should do: have his forwards play at the back and his back four up front. How good would that be? Why not go one step further and play Joe Hart as the central striker with Leighton Baines and Glen Johnson flanking him on the wings. Cahill could play just in behind and there you go the problem of the back four solved.

If Hodgson starts Andy Carroll he can they deploy the West Ham man at centre back along with Wayne Rooney, whilst Theo Walcott and James Milner can be full backs.

I think it is a great idea and it would be more challenging for the players to adjust to their new positions than it would be to actually play against San Marino.

Sometimes you need some radical thinking to get the best out of your team and if Hodgson has an iota of sense in his brain then he will realise that this is the way forward.