Relegation zone, Its a Dogs World

Disaster at Q.P.R

So before we go into a deep sigh and possible laughter thinly layered with a hint of frustration. By a show of hand, which of you actually thought that QPR could really pull something off this season? Good, Now of those that raise their hands which of you thought that Harry could and would be a savior of the London team? Perfect when you realize I actually can’t see your hands please put them down gently or pretend that you were simply reaching for your back.

At the stat of the season I will be the first to admit that I honest believed they could do it, by do it I mean finish in the to 14 at least. If their spending was anything to go by, they should at least be in the top 14 with the likes of Norwich and Newcastle. Over £ 25million was spent and still they face relegation. A WHOLE NEW SQUAD WAS PURCHASED over two seasons and somehow all those players managed to see the death of their careers. Now please I am not being rude or even disrespectful to the player or even the managers at QPR. I do believe that if Harry was called in, in September of 2012 and started the season with them they might have had a fighting chance. It troubled me to see a club with such a large platform or bowl of talent go to the dogs as easily as they did. So I sought council as to why in the name of football have they gone up in smoke (or even gone up in a puff of baby powder) and my wise football circle looked at me and simply said. “ All that’s happening here is that although they have bought so many experienced players they are struggling to gel as a team”

Now I know that sounds like a major no-brainer but take a look at it like this. All these players with so much experience have exactly that, too much experience. They all come from different clubs that play different types of football. It’s as if QPR took 20 of the best tasting chips in the world, put them in one bowl and said here enjoy. It all looks colorful and appetizing, rightfully so too. Bright colors, bursts of flavors, amazing scents for the nose and the best of all world so by that recipe alone it should work right? Well someone should have told them that mixing all that flavor in one has only one guarantee, a runny tummy and a toothache. Runny tummy is right on time as the crap has now hit the fan and with only 7 games left in the season they have to somehow find a combination that works and hold on for dear life.

Their crop of players is absolutely brilliant former Inter keeper Julio Cesar, and England’s howler of a keeper Robert Green. Former Chelsea right back Bosingwa, Arsenal and Rangers left back Traore bolstered with Blackburns Chris Samba whom just looks like he has had better days. Having these 3 defenders at the back should already limit the amount of goals you concede, but it doesn’t look like they can get it right at the moment. In the middle of the Park ( see what a did there) you have midfield generals such as Manchester Uniteds Park, Mbia, and Granero . The 3 players alone pose a threat with the added attack of Wright-Phillips and Taarabt. The pace on these two is absolutely amazing and their ability to fit into the pockets and holes left by defenders is ridiculous. So then I thought maybe I’ll blame the strikers. With a resounding 15 Goals in all competitions between the 5 of them it has to be their lack of or inability to finish.

It looks really bleak for the lads this season and I really do hope they can finish 17th this season. Now that sound mean until you realize I am actually wishing the best for them. All I foresee at the end of this season are the other clubs having their pick of their find crop. As an Arsenal supporter I would like to place an order for the following players. Cesar, Taarabt, Mbia and Granero. 

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