Mancini plans to spend big this summer


After the apparent debacle that was Manchester City’s summer shopping last pre-season, it would appear Roberto Mancini has learnt his lesson and is putting his orders in early this time.

Reports that he has identified Shakhtar Donetsk Fernandinho to kick start his spending spree. The Brazilian international is 27 and would cost around £20million.

The Italian manager has found it hard to hide his disdain for the work of Marwood et al and will take to his grave the wrong he feels for them not signing Robin van Persie.

The fact that Van Persie had no desire at all to move to the Etihad regardless of how many inducements or pound notes were thrown at him, (he was after all busy “listening to the little boy screaming inside him”) seems to have escaped Mancini.

Like any good manager, or male for that matter he has chosen to ignore the other side of the argument that doesn’t automatically support his case.

Yes I get that Scott Sinclair hasn’t been a roaring success, and it could have gone a bit better for Maicon, and that Javi Garcia perhaps hasn’t looked worth nearly £18million quid.

However Matija Nastasic has been an excellent purchase and having just turned 20 is only going to get better and Jack Rodwell when fit has looked decent, in the best traditions of being a male I’m going to ignore the fact that he’s been fit for eight games.

Mancini needs to forget moaning about the ones that got away and instead remember what an advantage he has in the transfer market over 99.9% of all other managers.  

Allen Whyte


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