Is Diego Lopez the Real deal? A closer look at the Madrid goalkeeper (Video)

Real Madrid fans are currently booing Jose Mourinho for his choice of goalkeeper. Iker Casillas has been with the whites for almost his entire life, and has made close to 500 appearances for his home-town team, but it is another Madrid native goalkeeper who has been number one this campaign. Diego Lopez has also come through the Madrid academy, but for years has been understudy to Casillas. However now, Lopez has been given a chance and although the choice has made Mourinho unpopular, does he have a point?

Lopez is tall and wiry compared to the large build of Casillas, and lacks the leadership and organisation that Casillas has learned and earned over so many years. However his shot-stopping is first class and could be considered one of the best in the world. It’s surprising to learn Lopez is actually 6 months younger than his rival. The former Villarreal and Seville goalkeeper resembles something more of a maths teacher, compared to the class of Casillas, but after years of being the brides-maid it seems only fair Lopez is given his chance,  and given his rich vein of form it will be hard for the long time number one to win his place back. Lopez was instrumental in the win over Barcelona and Mourinho said his goalkeeper was the man-of-the match the Champions League tie against Manchester United.

Judge for yourself who is the better, but here is a compilation of some of Lopez’ saves this season and after watching it’s not hard to understand why Mourinho has placed faith in the little Spaniard.


Will Mata