Chelsea midfielder’s exit rumours denied

Jon Obi Mikel it is fair to say is hardly up their with the most popular players amongst fans at Stamford Bridge, so when reports last week surfaced linking the Nigerian with a move to Galatasaray there will have been few concerned and a further handful fairly pleased to see him leave.

Those individuals happy to see the back of the player who can best be described as frustrating should however not start the car just yet – with ESPN Soccernet indicating that Chelsea have denied that Mikel will be the latest big name joining the ever improving Turkish Premier League.

Despite this reports have outlined that Jose Mourinho is not particularly keen on Mikel, meaning that the holding player might be best advised to keep on his new managers good side. Mourinho’s reservations probably stem from his previous spell in charge of the club – when early on in his regime, Mikel was criticised for his behaviour outside the club.

That said whilst Chelsea seemingly posses an endless supply of attacking midfield options the holding player talent pool is shallow; meaning should Mikel be sold on a replacement might need to be sought. Of course Mourinho might follow his old enemy Rafa Benitez and deploy David Luiz in that role, whilst the Portuguese return could see Michael Essien back in favour and Ramires would also come into contention for that role. Nevertheless all three of these options are hardly a guaranteed success for Essien is entering the twilight of his career and might now struggle with the pace of the Premier League, Ramires is a little more box-to-box than holding player and there are still real question marks over Luiz.

Whilst many fans might be keen to see the back of Mikel, for now at least they don’t really have a like for like replacement. However the silver lining could be that it was the player himself who was apparently quoted in the original report as wanting to move, stating a desire for first team football – something which Chelsea cannot provide.

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