Could Liverpool be involved in a tussle with Arsenal for want away striker?

Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has continued his pursuit of John Terry’s “least favourite Premier League footballer” crown with the remarkable revelation that he is open to a move to Arsenal.

The Uruguayan had previously requested being released from his Anfield contract due to the British press picking on him.

He had felt that since his arrival in England he had never been judged on his football but more so on his attitude: “They said I dived, moaned, postured, they said I was racist.” Strange that, considering that he dived, moaned, postured and was charged with racism.

Suarez apparently felt that his life in England had become unbearable for himself and his family and that the only solution was for him to leave these shores and move to a country where diving, moaning, posturing racism and of course biting opponents wasn’t so frowned upon.

This oasis of bad behaviour endorsing bliss was apparently Spain and in particular Madrid, Suarez set in motion his subtle flirting technique which was reminiscent of a drunk bloke going up to a girl at club chucking out time and asking for a shag.

While many would have found his actions deplorable given that Liverpool have backed him to the hilt through most of his misdemeanours, it was no great surprise that having returned to the relative cosiness of his homeland he saw little appeal in revisiting Merseyside.

At that point I would say that most Liverpool fans would have said fair enough if he doesn’t want to play for us, let him go, move on, sell him to Real for the best price possible.

The latest turn of events however is sure to rankle with even the most calm, understanding, reasonable reds supporter.

Far from the naughty press being the main motivation for him leaving the club it now transpires that the real reason is that he is missing Champions League football.

During a meeting with the Liverpool hierarchy his agent apparently raised the issue and cited it as grounds for his departure request.

The Liverpool officials would then have been well within their rights to mention that if he wasn’t banned for half a season every season then their chances of a top four finish may be greatly improved.

Its looks likely that Suarez will leave Liverpool and I don’t think that will be a bad thing for the club, they can then set about rebuilding a reputation that has undoubtedly been tarnished by the actions of the front man.


Allen Whyte 


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