My Fantasy Football Team – Part One, The Goalkeeper

Before the Premier League started last Saturday, I created a fantasy football team on the Sky Sports website so I could put my football knowledge to the test. I will write eleven different articles, and in each of them I will talk about each player in detail. So, let’s not waste anymore time and start with the goalkeeper I selected, Liverpool’s Simon Mignolet.

There are many reasons why I chose Mignolet, but the main one was that I was extremely shocked that he was so cheap (He only costs £4.9m whereas Joe Hart, David De Gea and Petr Cech costs £6.0m, £5.9m and £5.8m respectively). He had a wonderful season last time out with Sunderland where he picked up 11 clean sheets – even though he had a somewhat weak defence in front of him, and he made some world class saves aswell. 

He will prove to be a very good buy for Liverpool, in my opinion, as he isn’t error prone and he can make himself big when the shots are flying in. Mignolet has already proven what he can do, on his Liverpool debut he superbly stopped a last minute penalty from Jon Walters, and then pounced on the rebound. That save will do him the world of good and it will boost his confidence greatly.

Many people were confused and upset when Brendan Rodgers bought Mignolet and loaned out Pepe Reina, simply because they believed Reina has more quality. But if you look at the stats from last season it proves otherwise. Mignolet had a higher shots on target saved than Reina and he also had to face double the amount of shots (207 shots to Reina’s 109).

So these stats and facts are the reasons why I chose to put Simon Mignolet in my Fantasy Football team. I will be writing about every player in a different article for each of them in this order: Goalkeeper, Right Back, Centre Back, Centre Back, Left Back, Central Midfielder, Central Midfielder, Central Midfielder, Striker, Striker, Striker.

I hope you will enjoy this mini series I am doing!