My Fantasy Football Team – Part Two, The Right-Back

In the second part of this mini series, I will be writing about the right-back I recruited for my Fantasy Football team. This player isn’t a natural full-back, he is better known as a centre-half, but in Fantasy Football as long as he is a defender, it doesn’t matter. The ‘right-back’ that I chose was Fulham’s Brede Hangeland.

The towering Norweigan is very tall (he stands at 6’6″) which makes him an obvious threat from corners, and goals are a great source of points. Another reason why I chose him was because Fulham are a solid team and they don’t concede many goals and for every goal a defender does concede, they take off one point from the player.

In Fulham’s first game of the season against Sunderland, Brede managed to get the man of the match award, which shows how important he is to the London club. I can see Hangeland becoming one of the most underrated defenders in the Premier League at the end of the season.

Last term, the Fulham skipper notched up a massive 337 clearances and also blocked 41 shots. These stats go to show his ability as a defender and why I put him in my team. The fact that he played in all of Fulham’s 38 games last season also tells me that he will probably last the majoirty of games this campaign as well, and you get 2 points every time a player starts a match. So hopefully, he can rack up 76 points just by starting every game!

This has been part two of my Fantasy Football series and in the next article I will go into details about my first centre-back, Ashley Williams, and include a video.