Top 10: My Favourite Players

It’s a topic that has been running through my mind for quite a while. Which footballers do I like, not only as a player but also their attitude? It’s not easy, but I feel like the players I’ve chosen abide by my check-list -hard working, quality and versatile are just a few of the categories they must succeed in.

Aaron Ramsey – If you’ve read my other articles then you’ll realise that I absolutely love this player. He again proved how good he is when Arsenal beat Fenerbahce last night and won Man of the Match in the process. He will give 100% in every game and is willing to play out of position for the good of the team. A gentleman, and a fine player. My favourite player at the moment

Javi Martinez – The Bayern Munich man is an unbelievably talented player and has really showed his quality last year inboth the Bundesliga and the Champions League. As brilliant in the defensive midfield position as he is, in the centre-back role. He formed one of my favourite midfield partnerships ever alongside Bastian Schweinsteiger. Effective and efficient beyond belief.

Thomas Muller – Another Bayern Munich player and he won’t be the last either. He oozes desire and determination whenever he steps out on to the pitch – a joy to watch whenever he plays.

Oscar – I’ve really come to admire the Chelsea player over the past few months. I had prveiously written him off for looking a bit lightweight when he first joined, but he’s proved me completely wrong since. A tireless player that will put in a solid defensive shift if needs be, and I’m expecting a big season from him.

Tomas Rosicky – It’s hard to hate this player. Career wrecked by injuries despite having world class talent. He still plays like he should be 10 years younger than he actually is. Brilliant player and a role model for the younger players at Arsenal.

Toni Kroos – The Arsenal midfielder is ridiculously talented, but perhaps underrated in the Bayern Munich team, and I love an underrated player. He’s consistently brilliant whenever he plays, which isn’t as often as he’d like to so far, due to an injury hit career.

Sergio Aguero – It’s hard not to love Aguero after ‘THAT’ moment, but I admire him for other reasons -his attitude and determination are top draw. His tenacity and skill are unmatched by most modern day strikers and he also puts the team before himself also.

Julian Draxler – I’ve included this player, not just for his awesome name, but for his potential. Schalke and the German national team are very excited about this player and they have every right to be – he could turn out to one of the best in the world. A tremendous player.

Oliver Torres – My inclusion of Oliver Torres is much the same as Julian Draxler’s – he has orld class potential. He excites me more than most players on the planet, even at his age. If you haven’t seen him strut his stuff, then go and watch him play.

Santiago Cazorla – The little Spaniard fills me, and a majority of fans around the world, with so much joy. He’s cheerful and exceptionally talented – what more can you ask for?



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