4 reasons why I hate Jose Mourinho

The Portuguese boss is really grinding my gears. Here are four reasons why.

1) Smug

The Special One my backside. The amounts of praise that he heaps on himself makes my stomach turn. Yes, he’s a strong man manager, but anyone can dump 10 men behind the ball and lump it up to a bulky striker every now and again. But what happens when you haven’t got a big man up front? Your team look spineless and you come under pressure from your home fans. He doesn’t care, though, as he’s the special one.

2) Baby

After his slyness with Andre-Villas Boas before the London derby at the weekend, not only did he lack class in the way he greeted his former assistant, but he has since gone on to storm out of a press conference because he didn’t like the questions he was asked. Pull the other one, Jose.

The amount of pressure Arsene Wenger and the like have come under over the years and they’ve all taken the time to speak to the press and given their opinions to their fans. Swallow your pride.

3) Mata

The selection that has left everyone baffled. The two-time Chelsea Player of the Year is suddenly not good enough to warrant a spot in the side despite blowing the league away last season and scoring 20 goals in all competition.

4) Lukaku

Another player who I can’t fathom why he isn’t in the squad, never mind the team. Shipped to Everton on a season long loan and banging them in with ease, the Blues are left with Fernando Torres, Demba Ba and Samuel Eto’o – who is about as effective as a soggy crisp.


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