Three things in football you may have missed this week

It’s been a busy week in football what with all that Champions League going on and talks ongoing on whether or not there will be a winter World Cup in 2022.

But, amongst all that, here are some things you may have missed from the past week.

1. Jack Wilshere puffing away

Following their pretty bloody good performance against Napoli on Tuesday night you wouldn’t begrudge the Arsenal team for letting their hair down a little and celebrating what was a very impressive victory. And that’s exactly what they did as they some of the team popped out for a couple of refreshing beverages on Wednesday evening as they congratulated each other on a jolly good showing.

Problem is, though, Jack Wilshere was photographed outside the Public House having a smoke. Now, Arsene Wenger isn’t happy when his places partake in such activities and was understandably a little cheesed off at Wilshere’s actions. The most amusing thing about it all? Wilshere’s agent releasing a statement saying it was all a prank and Wilshere was simply holding it for somebody. Rigggghhtttttt.

2. Everton’s new crest

The tale of Everton’s new crest is something of saga. Redesigned in May but without the motto and the fans were not happy. The club realised that they had cheesed off the fans and, obviously, that was exactly the opposite of what they wanted to do. With their tail in between their legs, Everton created three new logos and asked the fans to vote in an online poll. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the one that had the motto on.

Job done. Except that the new crest looks exactly like the one they has last season before all this uproar over the new one. Confused? Me too but at least everybody is now happy because the motto is back including manager Roberto Martinez who unveiled it during his press conference this past week.

3. Dante’s Xavi-like passing.

Bayern Munich are pretty good. I know I am stating the obvious here but the way they dismantled Manchester City simply reinforced just how much of a dominant force they are. Anyway, not only did their midfield completely overrun City’s but even their centre backs were getting in on the act.

It is simply not fair when Munich have a midfield that can knock the ball about with the best of them but when their centre backs can launch 40-yard bombs that land right on the feet of their forwards. See Dante’s assist for Bayern’s second goal on Wednesday night. Yes, Gael Clichy, for some reason or another, switched off but that does not detract from the fact that Dante’s pass was inch perfect.