Is Jack Wilshere All He’s Cracked Up To Be?

Over the last few weeks Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere has caused a storm for his off-field antics – first because he was caught smoking a cigarette and then because of his comments regarding the situation surround Manchesrer United winger Adnan Januzaj. However, putting all the non-footballing aspects of his game to the side for a few minutes, is the 21-year-old actually all he’s cracked up to be?

Asking this question around north London before this season would have sparked uproar as Arsenal fans react to someone questioning the fan favourite, but after the performances of Aaron Ramsey, Mathieu Flamini and Mesut Ozil, Wilshere has been severely overlooked by most fans of the Premier League.

A huge reason for this is Arsene Wenger’s preference to stick him out on the left, a position that he isn’t comfortable with, in the absence of Santi Cazorla and Lukas Podolski. Being all left-footed, there have been occasions where he has found himself lost in the wide areas and defenders have been able to predict exactly what he is going to do, which has caused frustration.

However, when tucked back inside Wilshere showed his true colours. He has since scored two goals and created 12 chances, while his pass accuracy in the league this season stands at 84%. He has a bite about him which send fear into opponents and is able to get his body between them and the ball, which is hugely effective.

Is Jack Wilshere all he’s cracked up to be? Well, play him in the middle and yes, I think he is.