Why I Love The Transfer Window – My Round Up Of The Latest Gossip

Transfer gossip is pretty much my favourite thing ever! I love to laugh at the ridiculous rumors and get really excited and analyse the ones that could actually happen. January is less than two months away now, so it’s about that time that the transfer rumors will start to make their way around. Personally, I can think that a certain transfer can be an absolute perfect fit, but until I see the pen hit the paper, I don’t believe it. Here are some rumors that I heard about this week and what I think about them.

Radamel Falcao is rumoured to be going from French side Monaco to Chelsea this January, which we all knew would come up sooner rather than later. This summer most of us were certain that Falcao would end up in London, but due to circumstances that no one is really quite sure about, he ended up in Monaco. He apparently isn’t meshing well, which isn’t a surprise, it is Monaco after all, and is apparently looking for a way out. Chelsea would be crazy not to finally jump on this one.

Alexandre Pato is rumoured to be leaving Corinthians in Brazil to play at Arsenal. Pato could have been a legend at AC Milan – he was young and talented, however, plagued by injury in his final seasons in Italy, Pato made the trip back home to play club football in Brazil. Would he do well at Arsenal, if he’s fit -absolutely. But if he didn’t like life in Milan, London won’t be much kinder, and it would probably only be a matter of time before he’s back in Brazil again.

I’ve been hearing a lot on a move for Sergio Aguero to Barcelona from Manchester City, as well. Surprisingly, this doesn’t seem like a horrible idea to me – Aguero and fellow Argentine Lionel Messi could make an exceptional striking duo for the Spanish giants. Though Manchester City isn’t doing as well as they were last season, they have plenty of talent, and not to mention money, if Aguero wants to make the move to Spain.

This last one made me laugh out loud. Turkish side Galatassery are said to be trying to persuade John Terry to join former teammate Didier Drogba at their club. Terry is a Chelsea legend, and I’m pretty confident in saying that he’s not going anywhere too soon.

However, like I said before I won’t believe anything until contracts are signed and press conferences are had! Until then though, it’s fun to see what sort of rumors are swirling around the world.