Manchester United Could Lose Title-Winning Back Four For Free – But Should They Keep Hold?

It seems a strange string of events, but in the summer Manchester United could lose the back four that effectively won them the Premier League title last year. Right-back Rafael, left-back Patrice Evra and centre-back pairing Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic are all out of contract at the end of the season, leaving David Moyes with some big decisions to make. The Independent say that Rafael will be leaving, Vidic will be staying and that the other two will likely be joining the former, but who deserves to stay, judging by their performances this season?

I’ll start with Vidic, as he has had another fine campaign to date. In his 13 league games this season he has averaged 13 defensive actions per game, winning 64% of his personal battles. His combative style has seen him win 73% of his headers and he has reassured the United backline whenever he has been in it, though he has made a mistake leading to a goal.

For me, Vidic should be offered a deal.

Now to Ferdinand, who has been a fine servant to the club. He has made seven appearances, averaged 10 defensive actions per game and won just over half of his headers and tackles. At 35 though, Ferdinand’s legs seem to have gone and he has been found out in his game time this year.

For me, he should be released.

From the four, I would have thought that United would have offered Raffael a deal first, as he is still young and played such a big role last season. However, injuries, poor displays and rash decisions has seen him lose respect. I’d still say he was good enough for a contract though.

Evra has been the first choice left-back for some time at Old Trafford and to see him leave would upset a lot of fans. He has played 19 games, made 22 key passes and won 53% of his individual duels. I think the 32-year-old is still worthy of another year or two on his contract.

Verdict: Keep Vidic, Evra and Rafael, but release Ferdinand.