Why Liverpool Should Make Premier League Defender Number 1 Target This Summer

If Anne Robinson was a Liverpool fan, she’d be telling Brendan Rodgers that his left-back area is the weakest link. With Luis Suarez and Daniel Sturridge doing the business up top for the Reds and their midfield unit setting up to support that, the defence has visibly been the least impressive area of their squad, and more specifically the left-back berth.

Jose Enrique has been injured for the majority for the season which has left the club relying on Aly Cissokho, who is on loan from Valencia, and he has not stepped up to the mark so far in my opinion. Whether he stays on a more permanent deal or not, I think they need support in that area of the pitch, and the one man that stands out is Luke Shaw.

The Southampton defender has been incredible over the last year or so and is proving to be one of the most exciting full-backs in the top tier.

He has the physique, the athleticism and the confidence to bomb down the wing, but he also has the intelligence and awareness to keep it tight at the back. He’s still only 19 as well, which makes it even more impressive.

For me Shaw should be the number one target for Liverpool in the summer, and I am sure there are a few people who agree with me.