My Plea To Manchester United: Sack Moyes And Appoint Klopp

Having received a number of match tickets for Christmas to attend a handful of Manchester United games, I was naturally excited as I don’t get to see my team as much as I would have liked over the last two years. Leaving Salford to plough my way through university in the capital I had to give up my Old Trafford season ticket. However, I packed my bags, bought my rail tickets and made the trip to the Theatre of Dreams to watch my team play Fulham. I wish I hadn’t bothered.

The club is a mess right now, or at least in terms of on the pitch performances. David Moyes’ arrival has seen out fighting sprit disappear almost instantly and after 25 Premier League games the fans are still waiting to see it return.

Yes we threw a load of balls into the box during the Fulham game, but most were aimless and failed to meet their target. We also had a lot of shots, but not even a third of them hit the target.

I have been patient with Moyes and his merry bugle of backroom staff, but when Darren Bent nodded that header past De Gea that was the last straw for me. I am now firmly in the Moyes out camp. This may be written in the heat of the moment, but I think the club have really messed up.

There are a list of managers who I would opt for over Moyes, but the one really want in charge of the club is Jurgen Klopp, who is struggling himself this season with Borussia Dortmund.

The reason I would bite the bullet and sack Moyes to bring in Klopp is because of the German’s desire for his players to out-work the opposition. He isn’t happy unless his players have travelled further than those his team are up against and I think we need to see some of that back at Old Trafford.

There is a sense of fearlessness about him as well. He’s won trophies with the Bundesliga side playing silky, attacking football and I want that back here.

Please United, bring back the club I have loved all my life. I honestly think Moyes is crippling us from the inside and I can’t see that changing any time soon.  

Kevin Sisters – a frustrated United fan

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