Manchester United: Start Welbeck, Play Direct And Look To Hit Bayern On The Break To Progress In The Champions League

Hands up, who thinks Manchester United will be able to beat Bayern Munich and progress into the semi-finals of the Champions League? Nope, me neither. I do feel as though they have a chance though, as long as they follow these few ideas.

First of all, Moyes’ men should continue to throw balls into the box. Wayne Rooney is a superb headerer of the ball and by pumping balls in from the wide areas it opens up space and creates chances for the Red Devils.

I would also look to hit Bayern on the break. The Germans are incredibly hard to break down but I think if United try to hit them with pace and precision then I rate their chances of progressing into the next game.

For that reason I would have Danny Welbeck starting the game. The England international has the speed and the power to run at the Bayern defenders and will also give them the opportunity to get in behind the Bayern backline.

Should United go into the game thinking they will get beat then they probably will. However if they go all out from the opening minute, staying organised while they go, I think United have every chance.