Culprits: FOUR Manchester United Players Who Should Be Blamed For Shocking Sunderland Result

Sunderland pulled off a shock win at Old Trafford yesterday, winning 1-0 thanks to a Seb Larsson goal. Manchester United were awful, but here are their four main culprits in my eyes.

1) David De Gea

The Spaniard had a poor game – even the most ardent Manchester United fans would even admit to that, I think. He failed to control his box, his distribution was terrible and he looked shaky from the start.

2) Nani

I expect that yesterday was the Portugal international’s last game in a United shirt. He was dreadful before being hooked after 52 minutes.

He made two crosses, neither of which met their destination, and had one off-target shot. When he had the ball at his feet he looked hopeless and he failed to impress defensively, winning just one of his tackles.

3) Ashley Young

Young made 16 crosses, and was successful in just one. Read that again. This is a topflight player we are talking about, and he completed just one of his 16 crosses. He had two shots that both missed the target, while he won half of his take ons.

Young isn’t of the calibre that United are aiming for next season, and I think he is another one who will be shipped out.

4) Javier Hernandez

He struggled to get into the game yesterday and as a result United’s attacks continually fell flat. The little Mexican played the entire 90 minutes but managed just two shots, neither of which were on target. 

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